Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another busy May

For the past few years May seems to bring big changes in our home. Two years ago Hayden was born, what a wonderful addition he was and continues to be. Last year I got the girls ()(), Hank would agree they are as much of a wonderful addition to the family as Hayden. Also, I graduated last year with my BSN. This year was not not to be left behind. It started out pretty normal, Angie, Heather, Darleen, and I went to a Cardinal Game early in the month. I hadn't been to the ballpark since I was a little girl, I had so much fun. The new stadium is really nice.

Angie, Heather, and I in front of Stadium...GO CARDS!

The beautiful Darleen Calvert

The guy sitting next to me who caught a foul ball.

The Week after the game I went for my annual "appointment" with NP Nicole. She is great by the way, super easy to talk to about anything. I had been having some issues for the past 11 years with endometriosis and she knew my history. Hayden's birth brought no relief, and the last year its gotten worse. After discussing many pros and cons with Nicole, I decided to have a hysterectomy. I know I am 30 and otherwise healthy, but I am also done with the chronic pain and bloatness. I assumed I would be scheduled for a month or 6 weeks later...oh no 10 days. Great, I had Hayden's birthday and my new semester to start within those 10 days, but I accepted the challenge. Obviously, if I am going to be off work for 6 weeks, this is the best time to be off. Plus, if I had too much time to think about my decision, I would have probably changed my mind.

Hayden's birthday was great. He has really gotten into Thomas the Train in the past few months so it was a train theme party. Thanks to my loving brother who doubted me, I even made his cake all by myself. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I think it was pretty good for my first cake. Hank and I gave him his own lawn mower, he loves to be just like Hank and mow the grass. He is growing up so fast...but he is still my baby.

Hayden's birthday cake, made my yours truly

Hayden enjoying his first bite of cake

Wearing the birthday party hats

Hayden's new train conductor hat, scarf, and train whistle!

New lawn mower

Three days after Hayden's birthday I had my surgery. That brings me to now, I am recuperating. I have seen the surgery...I understand the concept of it all...but I didn't realize how much energy it would take from me and how much pain I would be in. I am moving slow and taking lots of naps, but I am also enjoying my time catching up on blogging.


Sarah D said...

You forget to mention that you got a super cute new hairdo!!!

I think that cake is fab!!! I am very impressed. I really would pay you to make my next b-day cake. If the nursing thing does not work out, you could give those ladies at the IGA a run for their money.

Jamee said...

lol...I will totally make you a cake, but only if it has the word butterknife or douchbag on it.

hncfarley said...

We are glad everything went well. Hope to get over to see you soon, and want to see the new hair.Maybe you should post pics of that.

Sarah D said...

you being in the medical field and all could maybe come up with an authentic douchebag cake, not sure what flavor cake one would use for a douchebag cake.

Perhaps confetti?