Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is this purse and a new vacuum cleaner. I'm not asking for much, just 2 packages under the tree.


Amanda M said...

Not too much to ask for. You should definately get both under your tree!

Ashley and Evan said...

Wish granted...oh wait, I'm not Santa. If I were I would totally get you those things!

Aubrey said...

Very cute purse!!

hncfarley said...

If I remember right, last year, you were hoping that Hank would get a big package.

hncfarley said...

Holly says: Vacuum cleaners are considered "emergency fund" type deals kinda like the furnace, if it is broke you don't ask for a new one for christmas! The household needs a new vacuum, Jamee is not the only one who should be pushing it so it shouldn't be a christmas present. Just some thoughts.
Hope you get that purse, that is cute.

Jamee said...

If I leave it to Hank, I will get a $40 Dirt Devil. I want a Rainbow. Thats Christmas present worthy.

Betsy R said...

Vacuum must be popular, it is on my list too.