Monday, December 29, 2008

Gift reviews

Did everyone get what they wanted for Christmas? Did you get the one thing you really wanted, only to realize 4 days later it isn't as great as you thought. So far, I really like what I received. Here are a few of my own reviews:First is Emily's cupcake maker. She wanted this so bad, told every Santa we could find. It's okay, a bitch to clean and the icier thing doesn't work as swirly as it claims to. Plus, I am not for sure how much I want to consume a cupcake that bakes in the microwave in 30 seconds.
Next, Pixos = Suckos. The whole thing blows. First, its a pain to get the little "beads" into the right place. Every time someone walks by, the beads roll off the guide. Worst, its suppose to dry in 15-20 minutes with the fan, but it took us over night. Its hard to explain to a 4 year old who has no patience.

Elmo Live, its amazing. His moves are life like, Hayden really likes him. He likes to carry him around and listen to his stories. It was a last minute gift from Santa, but well worth the money.

Great gift, even for the price. Emily and Hayden have spent lots of time playing in it since Christmas morning. Has 6 cup holders and a cooler. Both seats fold down and there is storage behind both of them. Turns and pulls super easy, I have rolled it all over the house in the last few days.

The kids got Hank the "Slider Station" We haven't used it for hamburgers yet, but did make the eggs yesterday morning. They would be perfect for egg sandwiches. So far, so good.

Best present ever for a coffee lover. Makes a perfect cup of coffee. I can have a cup of bold, then turn around and have a cup of flavored. There is no clean up and its always hot. I love love love it, thanks Suzanne!!!
So, what are some of your reviews. I may need to know, I have already bought a few gifts for next year.


Amanda M said...

Santa brought Nick so many things. The top of his list so far is the Handy Manny Fix it Radio. He can tear it apart and fix it and it is very hard to lose the pieces. By far this is his favorite gift....and the least expensive! Go figure. Ryan and I decided to only buy one gift for each other....Guitar Hero was mine. I actually love it. I can play in between house cleaning. That is until school starts again. Nick likes to "Rock out" with me.

Aubrey said...

I wanted that cupcake maker for myself!! And the slider station guy creeps me out, but I still wouldn't mind having one of those either!

Sarah D said...

Jack wanted Pixos really bad. Damn Nick JR! I told him no way. Glad we did not get that one.

Jamee said...

I am so out of the loop with technology, tell me about guitar hero. What is the difference between it and Rock Band?

Amanda M said...

With Guitar Hero you only play guitar instead of the whole band. It is soooo much fun.

hncfarley said...

I saw the Slider Station on a commerical and thought it looked pretty cool. However, I bought some Mighty Putty off the guy and it wasn't that great. Hope the Slider Station works out for you.

Ashley and Evan said...

The best gift I got was from Hank Baltzell. I can't wait to share it with the world!!! Heeheehee

hncfarley said...

Need every detail you have on the single coffee maker! Am so jealous cannot see straight. Got $50 to spend and wanted a new watch, but who needs to know what time it is when you can be enjoying some joe. The making different types in the same day has me hooked. Does it take pods or ground? My issue with the pods I looked at is that they are expensive.

hncfarley said...

Sounds like Hank gave Ashley crabs!

Ashley and Evan said...

Farley, you're just jealous because Hank didn't give you crabs. Apparently, I am the new best friend!

Stephanie R said...

I totally agree that the cupcake maker was not the "best thing in the world" It was at the top of Jaiden's list too and we have played it once and will probably sit in the closet until the next garage sale. The pixos on the other hand we have really enjoyed. She loves doing them.