Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bad mood, get out of my head

So, I have been in a really shitty mood lately. It hasn't been a regular, hormonal bad mood. It's been a true blue, feel sorry for myself, pessimistic mood. I know it was caused by a combination of things, but I've had a "come to Jesus moment". Hayden isn't going to want to be by my side forever and one day Emily isn't going to tell me I am the coolest. My mom wants to talk to me everyday because she loves me and my family is her everything. Talking on the phone is part of my job, and as the snow falls I am so glad I work 4 blocks away in an office where I learn new things every day. Plus, I work with 3 of the best people I know. I feel guilty I take out my foul mood on the people I love the most, so I am over it. Lord, bring on the early morning wake up cries from Hayden, just hand me a cup of coffee.

1 comment:

Ashley and Evan said...

I think everyone has a period of funk that they go through. Don't let it get you down. Sometimes it's easy to take it out on the ones you love because they're there. It will pass and you will be back to your chipper self. Let's just pray that your new coffee pot doesn't take a crap on you otherwise, we'll be in a world of hurt.