Monday, June 23, 2008

Let my husband tell ya something

Who doesn't know my husband? If you don't, your missing out. He is a funny funny guy, and its his wittiness that keeps me HOT for him. If he had his own e-mail account, he would have a blog. Since he doesn't, he can occasionally share mine. So, without further ado, random questions answered by Hank:

Favorite person:anybody that works for immigration

Favorite Food: suddenly salad

Quirks about me: 1.can't stand to watch public displays of affection from two men 2.don't really know when enough is enough(ever) 3.just can't seem to keep my foot out of it.

What can you NOT live without: family(that includes my boat)

Favorite Blog: that little Chinese chicks chad put me on where she's always showing pictures of her,well you know

Who do you wish had a Blog:god who doesn't besides me?

What job would you pay NOT to have: in-home nurse that takes care of the elderly

If you could be a fly on the wall anywhere, where would it be? playboy mansion

Favorite Bible Verse: seriously?

Guilty Pleasure: holy shit, should that really be right after the bible verse question?

Favorite Thing about your house: occupants

One thing you are bad at:apologizing

Who would you like to meet someday:George Strait(still keep'n it country)

What makes you feel sexy:John Bennett and blue chalk marks on my nipples.

When are you most relaxed: right after several guilty pleasures

What stresses you out: 25 questions at a time(daddy,daddy,daddy)get me?

Favorite Quote: it's not bad manners,just good beer (Kent Farley)

Why do you blog: peer pressure


Sarah D said...

could a book of Farley quotes be next?

I assume by blue chalk you mean the pool table kind? It would seem to be the most nipple friendly to me.

Jamee said...

Yes, obviously it is most nipple friendly, or a least at the hands of C.Farley it is.

hncfarley said...

Yeah! More Hank! I just can't seem to get enought of that guy. I'd like to bottle him and sell on eBay. We'd make a fortune!

Ashley and Evan said...

Wow, I miss Hank. It's a good thing we only have six weeks until we see each other again. I'm pretty sure he's looking forward to seeing me again. I think he mentioned that several times on Saturday.

Sara B. said...

After getting on Chad & Holly's blog it has lead me to yours and now I have this addiction to read it everyday. There is always something to make me laugh or smile. You guys are all so witty and it is just fun to read your blogs! Even though I really don't know you guys all that well. Just keep it coming!

Betsy R said...

Man, we really miss you guys. I think a visit home is going to be needed soon. We need a Hank fix!!!