Friday, June 20, 2008

The weekend is finally here

I have been waiting forever for this weekend. Its the first one I have had off in a while, plus we have lots to do with our friends. Tomorrow I am running in Nick's Race. Who am I kidding, I am attempting to run, but I will probably jog/walk. I went with Holly last night to run the trail and I almost died. It was a reality check for me, reality is that surgery kicked my ass. Before I was running 4 miles easy, now 2 sucks. Sucks as in me SUCKING wind the whole time. I have some work to do.
The silver lining is tomorrow afternoon. We are getting together with our canoe gang for some good old Jasper County fun, 4 wheeler riding. I can't wait to have a few cold Coors Lights and talk to the gals. I have been so busy over the past few weeks, I am out of the loop.
Sunday afternoon the whole family is going to Sarah and Amber's cookout. Emily is so excited to see her pals.
Unfortunately, Monday morning will be here before I know it.


Amanda M said...

Man...I am gonna be in town for the weekend. I would love to see everybody! Hope you all have fun!

Betsy R said...

Sounds like fun!! Hope you all have a great time.