Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Baby Stuff, Goodbye!

I finally did it, I gave all of my baby stuff away. Stroller, 2 car seats, pack and play, 2 bouncy seats, monitors, clothes, toys, ect. went to Sarah for my new nephew who is coming in December. It was bittersweet. I carried it all upstairs, thinking about never being pregnant again. Never bringing home a new baby or experiencing the "firsts" again. Knowing Hayden is my last and everyday he is getting bigger and more independent. As I was carrying up the items and reminiscing, I was a little worried I may want another baby. Then, Emily started yelling and Hayden crying and I realized how stupid I was acting. I am extremely fortunate to have a daughter and a son and for them to be healthy and happy.
I quickly handed over all my things and prayed to God I never again feel like I need them.


sjaxn said...

We love you so much for all of the stuff you gave us. You are already the BEST (and only hehe) aunt the lil man could ever have! Don't forget if you ever have the need for a baby again you can just walk down the street and take care of Baby H for me! Thanks again Jamee it means so much to us!!!

Ashley and Evan said...

Did you get teary eyed as you were packing everything up?

hncfarley said...

I am sad for you but as I listen to Luke jump up and down and up and down in the saucer and the other boys are complaining that they can't hear the TV, I know you are making the right decision.

Jamee said...

No tears, just a kind of empty feeling. But 5 seconds and I was over it.