Tuesday, July 1, 2008

One Liner of the Day

I have decided Hank and his clever friends come up with some great one liners, I am going to try to post one a day. Here is one for today
As Hank was talking to a friend tonight, the subject of food came up. The friend (nameless of course) asked "Curry, is that some kind of meat?"
And that's the one liner of the day.


hncfarley said...

I believe "Curry" is the English description of any of a general variety of spicy dishes, best-known in Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Nepali, Indonesian, Malaysian,Thai, and other South Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines, though curry has been adopted into all of the mainstream cuisines of the Asia-Pacific region. Along with tea, curry is one of the few dishes or drinks that is truly "Pan-Asian", but specifically, its roots come from India. The concept of curry was later brought to the West by British colonialists in India from the 18th century. I hope that definition helps your friend.

Ashley and Evan said...

Hey what do you know...our token Asian LOVES curry! I think she would be super happy if we had some on the canoe trip this year!

Jamee said...

Maybe Chad could bring some, he is an expert.