Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So, I need some motivation. Last Novermber I started running and I lost over 20lbs. The last few weeks have not been good and I am up 8 lbs. Working 5 days a week has affected my running, I can't find the best time. I am not as physically active, so I am more hungry. I can eat all day, I am like an empty pit. I am frustrated with myself and can see me creeping back up towards my previous weight. Does anyone have any good advice or motivation. Too bad I can't get the gout.


Sarah D said...

The guy in the pic is H O T!!

I to have hoped to come down with a case of the gout.

You look good to me (i'd do you), let yourself get into a routine and hopefully the time will come.

Maybe we will all walk some weight off at the zoo on Friday!!

hncfarley said...

Agree with Sarah D, before you start freaking out, remember that you are a little stressed right now. Once things get more smooth at work you may have more time. Early morning?? Drink protein water? That stuff helps. You can buy the packets and mix with your water bottle (Sigg aluminum if Ashley is reading this).
Kids really throw a crimp in working out!

Nancy said...

Jamie, I just saw you this morning at the office.. Your looking great!!

Ashley and Evan said...

I think you look great as well. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

I know you're gonna wanna kill me after I say this, but I'll risk the abuse. I would suggest maybe getting up 30 minutes earlier in the morning and doing your workouts. It gets it out of the way, you'll be less stressed at work and hopefully you'll have it done before the kiddos get up. If you're not a morning person it will take some time getting use to. However, you'll have a little Jamee time all to yourself and you'll get use to the early mornings. Dare I even say you may actually enjoy it.

Jamee said...

Okay, I get I need to get up earlier in the morning. Its hard to belive now I use to get up at 0400 to be at work in Terre Haute. So quickly I have forgotten. I'll give it a couple of weeks and see how it goes. Updates to follow

Christina said...

I heard Dr. Ames in Effingham can help with weight loss, naturally... just an idea... in the pics you always look fabulous! :-)

Jamee said...

Is it clonics(sp?), because I would be up for it.

Shasta said...

I would love to get up earlier and work out but what do we do when our husbands are gone already or when a certain little girl (Shay) cries every time he holds her.

I'm trying to drop the same weight as you :(