Friday, July 18, 2008

My pity party

The last few days have been rough. It seems like I can feel a bad day coming and I can't stop it.
Yesterday started with my urine drug test for school. I went to the local health department and I couldn't pee, no pee no test. So, after an hour and a half and 2 bottles of H2O I finally had enough to finish the test. I arrived to work an hour and a half late and my day was down hill from there. The harder I tried to work the day out, the worse I messed up. I was glad when yesterday was over and today started, but it was just as bad.
I sure hope tomorrow is better, I am praying for it. Twelve hours of hospital work should cure me, or kick my butt so hard I am begging for Monday morning at the clinic. Hope everyone has a good weekend.


Betsy R said...

Sorry to hear you had such a bad day. Hope the weekend is better

hncfarley said...

Sorry it has been a rough one. You look super cute in the picture with RJ and Heidi at the clinic, if it makes you feel better.

amberlindemann said...

Well, if you had a bad day, I couldn't tell. Seems like things were running super smooth when I was there.

Hang in there!


Sarah D said...

Hey Jamee, I thought you and Rebekah went out with Amber on Thursday night? Did you guys do something so bad that it would make you a little gun shy for the urine test??

Ashley and Evan said...

Hope your weekend goes much, much better.

Jamee said...

I had a great time with the girls, hope they want to do it more often. But, the peeing incident was that morning, it must have been a shy bladder.