Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Need your advice

As many of you know, Janice Baltzell (my sister-in-law) and Sarah Jackson (my brothers girlfriend) are both having boys this fall/winter. That takes the tally to 6 boys and 1 girl. I have been saving all of Emily's cute clothes for someone, but I don't see it happening any time soon and I am ready to clean house. I have totes upon totes of little girl clothes from ages 3months on up. I am thinking about putting them on e-bay, but I don't know how time consuming it may be or how hard it is to list items. I am looking for a solution and a garage sale is not an option. Has anyone opened an e-bay store or had good luck at 2nd hand stores?


hncfarley said...

Chad has had some good luck on ebay and it wasn't that bad as fare as time-consuming. I don't know about second hand stores,but I buy a lot of kids clothes on ebay.

Sarah D said...

What about Once Upon A Child? They have one in Terre Haute, maybe you have some connections to people that would know about it.

I buy a lot of stuff online and always check e-bay before I buy to see if I can get a better deal. Lately e-bay has been so high. Shipping cost have went up and it is easier to buy new.

Unless it is something really special and a specific brand, not sure if you will make a lot.

--by the way, maybe I will have another sonogram and it will show a different result. Then I could find a place for you to desposit Emily's clothing!!


Sarah D said...

--by the way, I have sold a lot of stuff on e-bay in the past (lots of Jacks old clothes, mainly Sailor Suits).

It has been a while, but if you decide to go the e-bay route, I would be more than happy to help you out.

sjaxn said...

You obviously haven't discussed this with your daughter. She still insists that I have two babies and that one of them is a girl that you are going to raise. So you better hang on to those clothes! hehe Anyways, I was thinking about the same thing as Sarah. What about Once Upon a Child? Although if it's anything like Plato's Closet you won't get much for her clothes, but it's worth checking into.

Betsy R said...

I have taken some of Olivia's clothes to Once Upon a Child in Terre Haute and had good luck. It is fast and they pay you that day. I think I waited about 15 min while they went thru everything. Plus they give you back what they don't want. One tip, if the store is really full they don't seem to pay as well or take as much

Sarah D said...

Evansville has a Once Upon A Child.

Maybe we should all bring a few things with us when we go to the zoo and see what happens!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamee! I used to use the Once Upon A Child in Evansville when we lived there. They don't pay alot of $$$, but it seems to be comparable to what I end up making on ebay-and it's alot less work. Good Luck!

Rebekah said...

ok, i guess no one has clued you in on my Side Job (kidding) i will fill you in tonight. but, long story short, my work has its own little electronic classifieds. I post stuff on it all the time and have great luck selling. since we are moving i have sold over 800 dollars worth of stuff on there in about 3 days time. I can bring her things to work, we would just have to price it. i will tell u more about it tonight.

Jamee said...

If you don't agree with what Once Upon A Child will give you, can you choose not to give them the clothes?

Sarah D said...

try this link. It says they make you an offer, so I am sure you could say no.

hncfarley said...

So Sara is having a boy??? Congrats. Should I just drop off the stuff we borrowed to their house and then you don't have to look at it..ha ha.
I bet Emily has some great stuff. I would try Rebekah's deal.

Jamee said...

I need it back for Sarah Jax, gotta do the fam first.

hncfarley said...

I meant Sara Jaxson. Is she with an h or no h??
I am guessing Sarah D is good.

Jamee said...

I thought it was odd you were asking about Sarah D. She is with an H. She is super excited they are having a boy, I have to be honest, I really wanted a girl for obvious reasons.

StephanieHerr said...

I know of a store in Sullivan, IN
if you are not looking for money upfront for your daughters clothes then this will be the perfect solution. I own a juniors/womens/mens clothing consignment store and we pay 50% of what it sells for. The children's store called "Second Chances" does the same. People have always said that they have made more at our stores then they have at Plato's or Once Upon a Child.
I could probably arrange a pickup if you don't want to bring them to us. They pay out twice a month as well as us and they will mail your check.