Saturday, July 26, 2008

Handy Smirff and Jesus

Today Emily and I were talking when she said "you know mama, Handy Smirff is like Jesus, well you know, invisible. I of course said, yes I know. She then informed me Hayden wasn't really Hayden, he was a robot and Handy Smirff had made him. I asked where the real Hayden was, she told me he was still in my belly (I must be bloated). I asked her if she liked Handy Smirff and she said "Yes, he's beautiful and he makes beautiful stuff just like Jesus". Okay then!

I think Emily may be the first individual to link Handy Smirff to Jesus.

While looking at the smirffs on-line, I found the following questions.

Top 10 Things Inquiring Minds Want to Know

10. Exactly where was the smurf village located?

9. Was Smurfette a real blonde?

8. Did Gargamel have dental insurance?

7. How did Hefty smurf stay in such great shape and would he be willing to share some of his health and fitness tips with us?

6. Does Handy Smurf plan on creating a hybrid version of the smurfmobile?

5. Did you only have one pair of red pants and red hat that you wore over and over again, or did you have 7 pairs of the exact same outfit?

4. Where did you receive your training for magic potions and spells?

3. If Brainy smurf was so smart, why was he always wrong?

2. Was Lazy smurf ever checked for a thyroid disorder?

1. Where was mama smurf, and why did you have so many kids?


Christina said...

What great intellect on Emily's part. Amazing that she coorelated the two... interesting. :-)
She seems to really think outside the box.

Jamee said...

That's Emily, outside the box for sure.

Sarah D said...

Well, Jesus was a carpenter before he really got into doing all of that "Jesus type miracle stuff". I wonder if he was Union?

So, if Jesus was a Smurf, one can only assume he would be Handy Smurf. Does that make Papa Smurf God?

Now, where is Emily watching the smurfs? We do not get that on our TV.

Are we there yet Papa Smurf?

hncfarley said...

Well the real burning question in my mind is "Was Smurfette easy??" She had so many options really, even if it was incest. And maybe Papa Smurf wasn't really like a dad but like the leader of the cult?
I am laughing so hard. We used to watch the smurfs on Sat. mornings. My uncle Rex loved the smurfs, he would make his kids leave the room so he could hear the show!

Jamee said...

1. Sarah you are right, Jesus would have been Handy.

2. I bought Emily the 1st season on DVD, she loves them and so do I, it's my favorite childhood cartoon.

3. Papa was the cult master, thats why he wore red. Isn't that how it works, the Grand Pooba wears red.

Ashley and Evan said...

I would like to know why the Jesus Sarah sent me looks nothing like Handy Smurf. I'm so confused by all this!