Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thank goodness for Friday

Whew, its been a week. I have cried, laughed crazy, and even threw around the idea of needing medication, but its OVER! To top off the week, Hank and I are going out to eat with a group of great friends. We both need a night out to let loose. I am more excited about girl talk than anything. I have missed my weekly class meeting to talk about husbands, sex, kids, or whatever. I think a little adult play is just what I need to recharge. Hope everyone else has a great weekend.


Sarah D said...

I am sad to report Cliff and I will be unable to attend what I was sure would be a night for the memory books.

The drama this damn horse has caused just keeps going into every little corner of our lives.

Have lots of fun for me.


Ashley and Evan said...

I'm so jealous Evan and I can't go out with you guys. Be sure to have extra drinks on our behalf.